… At first glance, Neighbour Rosicky appears to be a short story about a farmer and his family; however, there is much more beneath the surface. Rosicky is a representation of immigrants, in general. He is the epitome of the "American Dream," with…
Details: Words: 795 | Pages: 3.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… this short story to be somewhat deceiving at first because it feels as though the story is about the generous nature of Agnes Milton. The first several pages the narrator speaks about her hardships in life and the generosity of Agnes; however, the…
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… "The Death of a Salesman", is addressed in the quote uttered by Biff; "He had all the wrong dreams. All, all wrong." Although Willy's dreams had their problems, they weren't wrong, they were just carried through in the wrong ways. Willy is a man…
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… AND DIMED: ON (NOT) GETTING BY IN AMERICA By Barbara Ehrenreich Henry Holt And Company, 230 pp., $13 (paperback) The back cover and the last chapter's 25-page evaluation are the most gripping parts of this memoir, which without a doubt…
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… a chapter from Estelle Blackburn's expository text Broken Lives. This chapter focuses on one night of Eric Edgar Cooke's murderous sprees where he steals a rifle and shoots a baby sitter, once again leaving the city of Perth in the hands of fear and…
Details: Words: 1282 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… the most important theme. The idea of judging someone before you meet them is mentioned repeatedly throughout the novel. True Son, the protagonist of the story, is hateful towards the white race. Even though he was born a white boy, Indians captured…
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… How does the writer create and build tension in this ghost story? The writer immediately creates a sense of mystery by the title, "Red Room." Instantly it makes the reader ask questions, "What is the Red Room?" This introduces the tension, as red…
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… to struggle in several different places and throughout all different time periods; female suffering over time, has become a hot topic of examination and argument. Both Chinua Achebe's tragic work Things Fall Apart, as well as the article "Women in…
Details: Words: 1220 | Pages: 4.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… Universe, And Everything by Douglas Adams, is just an ordinary person who has to save the universe in his pajamas. This book is the third in the hitchhiker series and is one of the best. The best thing about Douglas's books is the way they are written.…
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… and issues that cause the sock of the audiences, some of these themes are related to a very universal context. It was produced about 100 years ago, yet it also has issues that even modern audiences nowadays will be concerned of. The play has…
Details: Words: 1048 | Pages: 4.0 (approximately 235 words/page)