"The Light in the Forest" by Conrad Richter.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In the Novel The Light in the Forest, prejudice is the most important theme. The idea of judging someone before you meet them is mentioned repeatedly throughout the novel. True Son, the protagonist of the story, is hateful towards the white race. Even though he was born a white boy, Indians captured him during the French and Indian War in the 1700s and raised him to despise the pale-skinned people. He was brought up thinking …

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…of the prejudice - the Indians don't want the white boy, and the whites don't want the "Indian." It deals a lot about civilization, society, conflict, and of course, prejduice. We can understand how both parties feel, and why they hate each other. It makes us all look around and see what's going onin our world and what wnet on during the 1700s with the French and Indian War. Prejudice will always be human nature.