When Hedda Gabler was first produced, some audiences were shocked.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
In "Hedda Gabler" by Henrik Ibsen, there are many themes and issues that cause the sock of the audiences, some of these themes are related to a very universal context. It was produced about 100 years ago, yet it also has issues that even modern audiences nowadays will be concerned of. The play has unusual change of atmosphere when a character enters. It starts off with a peaceful beginning, George and his auntie are greeting each …

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…give an immediate change of atmosphere, and also the dialogues to reflect the complex relationships between characters, the author may possibly be criticising social issues such as corruption and women rights which particularly challenge modern audiences' beliefs. Eventually, the themes of the play are very universal, which every audience will be familiar of, such themes include human nature and the effect of society's hegemonic beliefs to individuals. These universal themes make this play very "human".