"Neighbour Rosicky" by Willa Cather.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Neighbour Rosicky By Willa Cather (pg 1831-1852) At first glance, Neighbour Rosicky appears to be a short story about a farmer and his family; however, there is much more beneath the surface. Rosicky is a representation of immigrants, in general. He is the epitome of the "American Dream," with slight alterations. The "American Dream" is supposed to be about having a loving spouse with 2 children, a little dog, and a white picket fence; however, people …

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…part of life - neighbors and family will pass the cemetery on their way to town, his animals will eat the fodder during the winder, and "Nothing could be more undeathlike than this place; nothing could be more right for a man who had helped to do the work of great cities and had always longed for the open country and had got to it at last. Rosicky's life seemed to him complete and beautiful." (1852).