"The Red Room" by H.G.Wells.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Laura Buckingham 10s The Red Room By H.G.Wells How does the writer create and build tension in this ghost story? The writer immediately creates a sense of mystery by the title, "Red Room." Instantly it makes the reader ask questions, "What is the Red Room?" This introduces the tension, as red could be connected with danger, fear or maybe even blood. The title makes the reader want to continue reading, urging the reader …

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…be - so long as this house of sin endures." Basically to end the story, the writer is saying that the haunting's and fear had nothing to do with the circumstances. Whether its night or day, cold or warm summers day. The room will still affect you in the same way as it is you who scares yourself. Its is your own mind that drives you to that edge, the point between live or death.