"Broken Lives" By Estelle Blackburn.

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The chapter "Another Gun, Another Unlocked Door" is a chapter from Estelle Blackburn's expository text Broken Lives. This chapter focuses on one night of Eric Edgar Cooke's murderous sprees where he steals a rifle and shoots a baby sitter, once again leaving the city of Perth in the hands of fear and danger. The purpose of this chapter is to fight for Cooke's guilt. It shows that he had no fear of being caught and …

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…Door" succeeds in it's purpose of assuring us of Cooke's guilt. Blackburn does this be presenting particular characters in particular aspects. Or including certain information that supports her argument or even just through the language she chooses. This chapter argues for Button's guilt and just proves what type of a man Cooke really was. These particular aspects of narrative construction all shape the way in which we respond to the ideas the Blackburn is presenting.