Chinua Achebe's tragic work "Things Fall Apart".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Throughout time, women have been oppressed and had to struggle in several different places and throughout all different time periods; female suffering over time, has become a hot topic of examination and argument. Both Chinua Achebe's tragic work Things Fall Apart, as well as the article "Women in Achebe's World" written by feminist professor and literary critic Rose Ure Mezu, examine the intricate roles both men and women play in society. While Achebe's novel relays …

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…understanding, they would find life easier, happier, and more enjoyable. Yet women need to step into the light everywhere, especially in places such as Africa, not just western countries. Mezu concludes that "African women can outstrip their fictive counterparts to be partners with men in national progress and development, and to gain individual self-realization and fulfillment." With a completely united male and female society, perhaps there would be less tragic heroes and more triumphant idols.