Category: /History/European History
of people, Robespierre was put to death in the same way he had sentenced so many others.
In conclusion, the Reign of Terror shows that the bourgeoisies are incapable of leading the government. Although they were well educated and understood what was going
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Category: /Society & Culture/Education
Stalin, the "Man of Steel" is known for his use of terror during his legendary rule. He was the kind of leader that would stop at almost nothing to accomplish his goals. "Stalin is a Genghis Kahn, an unscrupulous intriguer, who sacrifices everything
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Category: /History
Terrorism vs. asymmetrical conflict:
The 1972 Munich Massacre
Ever since September 11th at 8:45am, when the North Tower of the World Trade Center was struck by American flight 11, the word terrorism has taken on a whole new meaning, especially to us
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Category: /Law & Government/Military
Ethics & war/terrorism
Pacifism means a person does not believe in using violence as a way of settling conflicts in life. A true pacifist would not use violence against any body and would refuse to fight in a war. One of the best-known
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Category: /Science & Technology
Technology. The Way of the Future?
The 90s has been a decade full of controversial and world changing events. The first one I could think of would have to be the Persian Gulf War with Iraq. I think that war brought together the United States, stopped
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Category: /History/European History
Albert Speer was clearly involved in Nazi terror, repression and anti-Semitism during the third riech.
In light of this statement, assess the part played by Albert Speer in implementing and supporting Nazi terror and racial policies.
Although many
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Category: /Social Sciences
or being tied to a chair for long periods of time or threatening or terrorizing a child. Less severe acts, but no less damaging are belittling or rejecting treatment, using derogatory terms to describe the child, habitual scapegoat or blaming.
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Category: /Law & Government/Civil Rights
On September 11, 2003, the front page of the Boston Globe was covered with articles discussing an event that occurred two years ago. Perhaps the most "eye-catching" one of these articles is "Bush seeks 3 new laws on terror." This article talks about
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Category: /Social Sciences/Current Issues
Terrorism at its Worst
-Main Causes of Terrorism in the U.S.
-The belief that the United States has "colonized" the Arab world to protect U.S. access to oil.
-The presence of American troops in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War; the birthplace
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Category: /History/North American History
of the Twin Towers standing next to each other in the skyline of New York City. No one anticipated that one day this would be the main target for terrorism for at least 9 years. On February 26th of 1993 The WTC was attacked for the first time by terrorists
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