A Paper about the History of the Terrorism on the World Trade Center

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Essay Database > History > North American History
It was the year 1972 when the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey started which was then just an idea that 20 years later became one of the most significant symbols in lives all around the world. The World Trade Center was created to have the two tallest buildings in the world surpassing the silver mast of the Empire State building. The WTC could only hold the throne for about 2 years. The Sears building which …

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…do nothing but watch. I am definitely not agreeing with what the terrorist did, but it could have not been prevented the way things were and still are going around the world. This brings me to the conclusion that what we as Americans call "terrorists" today, might be tomorrows revolutionaries...or even heroes. It will not be clear to anyone yet why all this happened, but I am pretty sure that it had its reasons.