After several years of studying in college or university, graduating students face another problem: how to choose the right job which is both challenging and well-paid? It’s not an easy task to cope with and each of us has his own idea of a perfect job but still there are some tips which may be helpful. Actually, the problem may be framed by three questions: what? when? how?
- First of all, concentrate on the most general question: what would you like to do? It’s not a joke for in the majority of cases graduating students obtain a lot of various skills which give them a possibility to work in different spheres. For instance, the one who has studied philology may continue his professional development as a teacher, literary critic, editor, proofreader etc. A number of universities offer their students post-graduate studies with scientific activities in future. And now it’s high time to make a decision whether you are interested in theoretical or practical work and which domain you prefer.
- Don’t expect to find an extremely well-paid job just after graduation. It doesn’t mean you should stick to the undermining in the restaurant or in the street but still CEOs of big companies are looking for people with some operational experience. The last one may be obtained at the same enterprise but for token payment. In such a case you’d better put off your dream to buy a new car till the end of the year and work for several months in the sake of your future. The thing is worth the effort.
- There are no bad sources to look for a job! Use all the possibilities you have: the internet, newspapers, bulletin boards, relatives and friends. You may also check the top ten search engines on the web. Let all the people around you know that you are looking for a job; moreover, provide them with all the necessary information concerning your skills, diploma, the image of the ideal job for you. Be patient and something will for sure bear fruit.