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Letter "R" » Reality
«The future hasn't happened yet and the past is gone. So I think the only moment we have is right here and now, and I try to make the best of those moments, the moments that I'm in.»
«Reality only reveals itself when it is illuminated by a ray of poetry»
Author: Georges Braque | About: Reality | Keywords: illuminated, ray
«The chief pang of most trials is not so much the actual suffering itself as our own spirit of resistance to it.»
«Someone once asked me whether I am an idealist or a dreamer. I'm neither. I consider myself an optimistic realist. I see reality, but I give it the benefit of the doubt.»
Author: Kate Miller | About: Reality
«Sometimes reality has a way of sneaking up and biting us in the ass. And when the dam bursts, all you can do is swim. The world of pretend is a cage, not a cocoon. We can only lie to ourselves for so long. We are tired, we are scared, denying it doesn't change the truth. Sooner or later we have to put aside our denial and face the world. Head on, guns blazing. De Nile. It's not just a river in Egypt, it's a freakin' ocean. So how do you keep from drowning in it?»
«Sometimes I'm confused by what I think is really obvious. But what I think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious...»
«Simply put, you believe that things or people make you unhappy, but this is not accurate. You make yourself unhappy.»
«Some memories are realities, and are better than anything that can ever happen to one again.»
Author: Willa Sibert Cather (Author) | About: Memory, Realism, Reality | Keywords: realities
«Shall a man go and hang himself because he belongs to the race of pygmies, and not be the biggest pygmy that he can?»

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