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Letter "A" » associate
«The food in such places is so tasteless because the members associate spices and garlic with just the sort of people they're trying to keep out.»
Author: Calvin Trillin (Writer) | About: Food | Keywords: associate, garlic, keep out, spices, tasteless
«We naturally associate democracy, to be sure, with freedom of action, but freedom of action without freed capacity of thought behind it is only chaos»
«Lycurgus, Numa, Moses, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, all these great rogues, all these great thought-tyrants, knew how to associate the divinities they fabricated with their own boundless ambition.»
«Man has lost the basic skill of the ape, the ability to scratch its back. Which gave it extraordinary independence, and the liberty to associate for reasons other than the need for mutual back-scratching.»
«The greatest crimes are to associate another with God, to vex your father and mother, to murder your own species, to commit suicide, and to swear to lie»
«I don't think most people associate me with leeches or how to get them off. But I know how to get them off. I'm an expert at it.»
«On the other hand, the concept owes its meaning and its justification exclusively to the totality of the sense impressions which we associate with it.»
«In all societies, it is advisable to associate if possible with the highest; not that the highest are always the best, but because, if disgusted there, we can descend at any time; but if we begin with the lowest, to ascend is impossible»
«The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the w»
«Order your soul; reduce your wants; live in charity; associate in Christian community; obey the laws; trust in Providence.»

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