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Letter "Z" » Zell Miller Quotes
«been more wrong, more loudly, more often than the two Senators from Massachusetts, Ted Kennedy and John Kerry.»
Author: Zell Miller
«The president has come up with a bold, well-thought-out plan that will let virtually every American who pays taxes keep more of their hard-earned money,»
Author: Zell Miller
«The shrill class-warfare crowd can jump up and down all they want -- this is no sop to the rich, ... In Georgia, 60 percent of the dividend earners make less that $75,000. Is that rich?»
Author: Zell Miller
«But it's not beyond our capacity,»
Author: Zell Miller
«[Miller fired back:] Whenever I left the governor's office in January of 1999, the Democratic Party controlled both houses [of the Legislature], the Democratic Party in Georgia had most all of the statewide elected officials, ... It's been dismantled on Bobby Kahn's watch.»
Author: Zell Miller
«There is a war being fought. I'm not talking about the war in the Middle East, but the war being fought at home, a war for our children's souls.»
Author: Zell Miller
«[We have] a prolonged and seemingly unending period of a lack of decency. A fish doesn't know it's wet. We're numb and we can't even feel it.»
Author: Zell Miller
«I can remember when Democrats believed that it was the duty of America to fight for freedom over tyranny.»
Author: Zell Miller
«Where I come from, deeds mean a lot more than words.»
Author: Zell Miller
«There is but one man to whom I am willing to entrust their future and that man's name is George Bush.»
Author: Zell Miller

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