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Letter "S" » Samuel Goldwyn Quotes
«If I were in this business only for the business, I wouldn't be in this business.»
«Mr. Goldwyn's secretary was cleaning out his file cabinets on day. She asked Samuel if she could toss out the files that have been inactive for more than 10 years. He answered, 'Of course, but make sure you keep copies.'»
«I want to make a picture about the Russian secret police - the GOP.»
«His [Joseph M. Schenk's] verbal contract is worth more than the paper it's written on.»
«The Squid and the Whale,»
«I can tell you in two words: I'm possible»
Author: Samuel Goldwyn (Founder, Producer) | About: Words
«If people don't want to go to the picture, nobody can stop them.»
«Too caustic? To hell with the costs, we'll make the picture anyway.»
Author: Samuel Goldwyn (Founder, Producer) | Keywords: caustic
«Why only 12? Go out and get thousands.»
«Please write music like Wagner, only louder.»
Author: Samuel Goldwyn (Founder, Producer) | Keywords: louder

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