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Letter "L" » Larry Pleau Quotes
«Scott Young is a returning veteran who knows the organization and what the coach expects, ... He adds speed and will contribute valuable time on the power play. Scott's level of performance was always very consistent during his time here in St. Louis, when he enjoyed some of his best years.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«We made a decision at the time that we couldn't get something done that was right for both sides. He's a hell of a player. He could always score goals. He became much more of a complete player as he went on in his career.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«I hate to suspend anybody,»
Author: Larry Pleau
«We wanted him back. We need him back. He can be a heck of a player in this league.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«We just wanted to let (Manitoba) know that the game wasn't over, ... We were going to be there to play in the third period.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«Naturally, we're not going to comment on that anyway. Until he passes a physical, he's suspended.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«There's really not much to say other than he didn't pass the physical and he's suspended.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«He's going to stay with the organization for a long time.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«We weren't going to get tied up in long-term contracts. We're working off certain figures, and we'll continue to work that way.»
Author: Larry Pleau
«We all have to prove who we are by how we play.»
Author: Larry Pleau

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