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Letter "L" » Larry Baer Quotes
«Our partnership enabled us to create what we believe has become the best ballpark in America and a popular San Francisco landmark. Our fans can continue to expect the same type of exciting and contending Giants baseball and quality customer service they have enjoyed ever since we opened the park.»
Author: Larry Baer
«We fully supported his position to play in the WBC. He had a change of heart, and it's an individual decision. On one level, we'd all like to have Barry play. It's a great showcase, but there's an understanding of his point of view as well.»
Author: Larry Baer
«Obviously this is a story that has a fascination to it. The commissioner has a review and we're working in lock step with him.»
Author: Larry Baer
«The team's slightly re-engineered. There are some familiar faces, some new faces. Just like a baseball team, we feel the ballpark should be re-engineered and refreshed. We've spent a lot of time and a lot of effort to keep it highly desirable for the fans. When this ballpark is 30 years old it will still look young.»
Author: Larry Baer
«Just like the baseball team, we feel it's important for the ballpark to get re-engineered, for the ballpark to take on a different look and continue to remain fresh.»
Author: Larry Baer
«The thing that seems to be completely lost, and is not that sexy and so very fundamental, we've got a good team this year. I wish that piece wouldn't be lost.»
Author: Larry Baer
«We've reached out to her and she referred us to her son. We're working with the son to see what if anything to do.»
Author: Larry Baer
«As opposed to the word 'celebration,' I would say it's really more of a tribute.»
Author: Larry Baer
«We can't sit back and be judge and jury on this thing. I think it's important for us all to have a sense of due process.»
Author: Larry Baer
«It's important to have the ballpark get a new look.»
Author: Larry Baer

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