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Letter "A" » Ali Jarbawi Quotes
«Now it's no longer the case, and it's not just the old guard versus the new but those in West Bank and those in Gaza, the Palestinians living outside of Palestine and those living here, towns versus villages and so on.»
Author: Ali Jarbawi
«Palestinians are afraid that (the withdrawal from) Gaza is going to be first and last,»
Author: Ali Jarbawi
«Abbas is in a very difficult position,»
Author: Ali Jarbawi
«I think we are going to face problems, many problems. I don't think Gaza is going to go into civil war. I don't think it will deteriorate, but to make it better will take time.»
Author: Ali Jarbawi
«If at least someone is trying to find jobs for people, then you have ... stability and maybe in the long run you will help the (Palestinian) Authority per se.»
Author: Ali Jarbawi
«His resignation is going to affect the Palestinian Authority very negatively. He was trusted by the international community, and this trust will disappear when he goes.»
Author: Ali Jarbawi

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