Category: /Science & Technology
of "gene fragments of unknown biological function" is presently disallowed, who knows what the future holds? Most of this territory is uncharted. Boston University Professor of Health Law George Annas has asked, "Since cloned human embryos are not persons
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Category: /History
. Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant fought
side-by-side to help overthrow the Mexican forces led by Santa Anna. Thomas
Jackson and several other Civil War military officers helped to win the fight for the
United States. The Mexican War also was a testing
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Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
all everyday prayers. The Shahadah is generally always recited in Arabic, since Arabic is considered to be the "language of God." The words in Arabic are: "Ashhadu Alla Ilaha Illa Allah Wa Ashhadu Anna Muhammadun rasulu'Llah." This can be interpreted
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Category: /Society & Culture/People
Bill Cosby
William Henry Cosby, Jr. was born at 3:00 A.M. on July 12, 1937, in North Philadelphias Germantown Hospital (Herbert and Hill 21). Bills parents, William and Anna Pearl Cosby, were childhood sweethearts. They migrated north during
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
. Mexico however, refused to reopen the diplomatic relations. He had allowed Santa Anna to return to Mexico from his exile in Cuba in the summer of 1846, because the tricky and treacherous dictator held out false promises of fulfilling an agreement between
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Category: /Literature/English
divorced Feozva so he could marry his nieces best friend Anna Ivanova Popova. She was a lot younger than Dmitri but the town loved each other. They had four children together.
He made several publications. Most famous one was Organic Chemistry, which
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
to knock you down.
What I believe to be the worst consequence of growing up in the house with an alcoholic is the high chances of becoming an alcoholic yourself. Anna Quuinden says, While even young children know that cocaine and heroin are nothing
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Category: /Society & Culture/People
psychoanalysis with Anna Freud, the youngest of Sigmund and Martha Freud's six
children. (Astor) He married a woman whose name was Joan M. Serson and had two
sons with her. (Boeree)
In the early 1930s, Erikson
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Category: /Literature/Novels
up even more when he reveals, "Anna, my only true love and mother to my children, died of cancer." At this point the reader finds it hard to believe that this man has the power to deploy nuclear weapons at just about any time and towards anyone that he
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Category: /Society & Culture/People
lasted approximately seven years. In that time his wife Mara became ill and died. Although distraught, he soon remarried to Anna Magdalena. It was during this time that Bach had several children, three in particular would grow to become talented musicians like
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