Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
Archives: An Electronic Civil Libraries Library EFF supports freedom of expression, but does not support a presumptive right to violate federal, state or local law,which may include obscenity, indecency and/or pornography regulations and statutes.
Details: Words: 2273 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
used for the sexual stimulation of that adult or
another. (Ruth p.4) There are many categories of sexual abuse, these
include; incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, molestation, sex
(statutory rape), sexual sadism, and child pornography
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
by teenagers. (Lowry, 1999). Third, writers are attempting to keep "shockproof" viewers entertained. Viewers who access internet pornography and R-rated movies on cable TV are more difficult to impact than in the past. (Levin, 1999).
The standards regarding what
Details: Words: 2215 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Science & Technology
categories of sexual abuse, these
include; incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, molestation, sex
(statutory rape), sexual sadism, and child pornography. It is
estimated that approximately three hundred thousand children are
involved in child prostitution
Details: Words: 2217 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/English
categories of sexual abuse, these
include; incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, molestation, sex
(statutory rape), sexual sadism, and child pornography. It is
estimated that approximately three hundred thousand children are
involved in child prostitution
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Category: /Science & Technology
, thus it has become an immense problem.
Access to pornography has been one of the greatest concerns among parents. Surprisingly, pornography is easy to access and children will. Children are naturally curious and love to explore. Minors are also targeted
Details: Words: 2520 | Pages: 9.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Literature/English
stimulation of that adult or another. (Ruth p.4) There are many categories of sexual abuse, these include; incest, pedophilia, exhibitionism, molestation, sex (statutory rape), sexual sadism, and child pornography. It is estimated that approximately three hundred
Details: Words: 2072 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Science & Technology
pornography/child sex exploitation is the most significant crime problem confronting law enforcement relative to crimes against children (CBS News, 2001). The FBI alone experienced a 1,264% increase in the number of cases opened between fiscal years 1996 and 2000
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
to provide citizens with a broad and relatively unrestricted forum for debate and discussion.
The Court has ruled that one cannot falsely shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater, that child pornography can be banned, that there are forms of speech that are actionable
Details: Words: 2416 | Pages: 9.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
. On Friday April 2nd 1999, The Justice Department appealed a judge's ruling that prevented the enforcement of a federal law aimed at preventing minors from gaining access to Internet pornography.
The law, approved, and signed by President Clinton last year
Details: Words: 2233 | Pages: 8.0 (approximately 235 words/page)