Category: /Social Sciences
Legalization of Marijuana
One debate that keeps coming up time and again is the topic of the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug. Nearly one in three teenagers have at least tried marijuana
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Category: /Social Sciences
for the last few weeks of his life. However, this would only be possible by the use of a drug called marijuana. Because marijuana is not legalized for any use including for medical purposes, his pain will torment him until he dies. Pro-legalization leaders have
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Category: /Law & Government
for you but so are alcohol and cigarettes. So why is it that those substances are legal and marijuana isn't? Many people believe that pot is considered the gateway drug and if you try it then you are more likely to try harder drugs such as cocaine or heroine
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
quality of life and inevitably, destroy many societies. The use of mind expanding drugs cannot produce direct or indirect immoral outcomes and in fact educates the user. Drugs that are mind expanding or neither mind expanding or mind constricting must be legal
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
Jason Beaulieu
English 101
30 January 2002
The Drug War
How many people have heard about the Drug War the US is supposedly fighting? A few months ago in another class we were asked whether we thought Marijuana should be legalized in class
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Category: /Literature/English
Legalizing Marijuana
Throughout this coming year and past years, many state legislatures will consider laws that could result in the legalization on marijuana. Many ideas have been bought up about legal buying and selling of this drug in society
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Category: /Social Sciences
Drugs are directly eaten, inhaled, injected under the skin, or injected into a vein to get the maximum 'rush'. The unavailability of legal drug sources causes addicts to turn to the black market, where the prices they pay are as much as fifty times higher
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Category: /Science & Technology
should only be judged for its own faults and not those of other drugs.
The prohibition of marijuana harms society more than it helps it and by legalizing
the substance many benefits will follow. First of all, what is this so called War on
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Category: /Law & Government/Government & Politics
of getting killed over a drug deal gone bad. If the United States would legalize marijuana less money woulld be spent trying to prevent it from entering the country. Tax it and grow it your self and make money on it. If marijuana was legalized rather than
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Category: /Literature/English
. The justification that legalized alcohol under Amendment 21 in 1933 should also legalize drugs in 1996. With the legalization of drugs a decrease in deaths related to drug deals would occur and also the price would lessen because bigger businesses could produce drugs
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