Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
the questions and statements the human person can be defined by, because the alternative is a seemingly hopeless and random world governed by chaos.
There are also other people who would find fault with my claim of the existence of God in the atheists
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Category: /History
as the Atheists Bible, Paines beliefs seemed radical and inconceivable at the time. His denouncement of orthodoxy and many church held beliefs made him the most hated man of his time (John Lennons comparison of the Beatles to Jesus resulted in the same sort
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Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
not include the privilege to trample minority rights. There is simply no excuse for the alienation of any member of the school community via the confusion of public education with spiritual cultivation.
For a growing number of atheist and agnostics in this free
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Category: /Social Sciences/Controversial Issues
almost everyone, White, Black, or Latino; Jewish, Christian, or Atheist. As our end approaches, we yearn for an answer to this question. Finding it brings us satisfaction that when we depart we take with us knowledge of our ultimate destiny.
The proofs
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Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
of the atheistic argument from evil. There are two methods of approaching the argument: logical and evidential. I will argue that both of these forms of argument are irrelevant to the existence of a theistic God.
The logical argument claims that the existence of evil
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Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
a critical examination of the rational processes of induction and deduction. This is followed by the issues raised by atheists in light of the insufficiency of rational arguments for God's existence.
The second part of the essay involves a presentation
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Category: /Social Sciences/Education
the gods as creations of men, and were often agnostic or atheistic and they aimed at producing cleverness and efficiency rather than wisdom and goodness.
However, from studying in some depth about Socrates and his views I do not agree with the statement
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Category: /Literature/Novels
to make him believe in God, but Meaursalt angrily defends his atheistic views.
Meaursalt is an uncommon character who prefers simplicity. Readers could find him too simple and even completely apathetic of life. He is an atheist, which means he
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Category: /Society & Culture/Religion
what is above and below. In another sense Socrates was questioning the Gods. Meletus calls Socrates an atheist in which he does not believe in any god (pg. 27). Gods such as Zeus, Chronos, Uranius were worshipped by many people in Athens. Socrates not only
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Category: /Science & Technology
or less an Atheist
C. Nietzsche's central theory was one of "self affirmation"
D. He believed in life, creativity, health, and the realities of the world that we live in, rather than that of the world beyond.
III. His Writings
A. Early writings
B. Mid writings
Details: Words: 1857 | Pages: 7.0 (approximately 235 words/page)