… 2003 The play Of the Fields, Lately portrays an average working class family living in the cold, isolated area of Newfoundland. Written by David French, The Mercer Family struggles with themselves in their close-knit traditions and encounter difficult…
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… and issue that is present is under-pinned by the writer's exploration of the philosophy of the absurd. The "absurd" idea that the world holds no meaning, but consists of a series of occurrences because of a coincidental mix of illogical events,…
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… identity tells us who we are, and determines how we live our lives. There are many texts that explore the aspects of identity, which create various identities in many different ways. Such texts that will be examined include "Homeland", "The love song…
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… a man, and never fails to see a bad one. He is a human owl, vigilant in darkness, and blind to light, mousing for vermin, and never seeing noble game" (Henry Beecher). In John Gardner's novel Grendel, a modern twist on the epic poem Beowulf, the Dragon…
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… Golding used a group of boys stranded on a tropical island to illustrate the how malicious nature of mankind is - if it is let free. Lord of the Flies dealt with changes that the boys underwent as they gradually adapted to the isolated freedom from…
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… the previous chapters of the book, a theme of fear on the island had emerged to become one of the biggest problems on the island. As one would foresee from chapter six's ending, chapter seven was built upon the fact that most of the boys were making…
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… the emptiness that looms our generation. The meaninglessness threatens to swallow us all like a black hole. Lyer includes himself as being part of this new generation and gives his generation the term "transit loungers." Likewise, I identify myself…
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… Without love we can't survive. When people give one another love it gives them strength and confidence in themselves. Of Love and Other Demons, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez is about a twelve-year-old girl, Sierva Maria, who has the absence of love.…
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… story, Cry, the Beloved Country, by Alan Paton, depicts about Ablsom Kumalo's search for his son in Johannseburg, and he later knew that his son killed white man. His son, Ablsom, is convicted for guilty charges, and that shows that white society…
Details: Words: 1457 | Pages: 5.0 (approximately 235 words/page)
… a protagonist who undertakes actions that eventually prove to be completely wrong thus wasting his or her life, yet does not lose reader's sympathy. Such is the case with Mr Stevens - the main character of The Remains of the Day, the third novel by Kazuo…
Details: Words: 1753 | Pages: 6.0 (approximately 235 words/page)