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Essay Database > History
North America, from west to east coast, was mostly owned and settled by Native Americans in 1775. Native Americans were the first settlers on North America, but slowly, when the Americans no longer needed Native Americans help, they viewed them as savages and outsiders. So the Americans and the main stream Unites States Native Americans decided to weed out the traditionalists and have them assimilate to the American culture. During 1970s, American Indian Reservations had turmoil …

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…in the 1970s. Asians born in the U.S. tend to dominate the Asians immigrating over telling them to learn English and adopt American ways since they are living here and that is how it is. The civil rights movement did not start because it was nothing, but because nonwhites especially African-Americans were being treated unfair. With ARM and people like Levoi, old cultures never dies. The spirit cannot be destroyed by the American way.