“Meditation and Enlightenment”

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Faith is a key part of any religion as it forms a mean of strictly adhering to the religious scriptures, the concepts they center on, and helps in accomplishing whatever that particular religion requires of its followers. While talking about Buddhism, it would be better to define, like in case of any other religion, the fundamental practices it has laid down, and before realizing this, it would be appropriate to comprehend what forms its actual …

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…bound by the body, this reality seems more palpable. Thus, the ultimate goal of Buddhism, is to help its followers master the art of meditation over a certain time period and help them rid their mind of all the impressions made by this world; enable them to reach the highest form of purity in thought so that they can grasp the real truth and to free the soul from being reincarnated back into this dimension.