’Land of the free, Home of the Brave

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Essay Database > History
Every creature seeks to find greener pastures, but humans are no doubt the greatest of immigrants and migrants. We are ever pursuing new lives in new places. Throughout many generations the dispossessed continue to emerging and the brave keep moving from the poor conditions to the better. From 1892 through 1924 more than twenty-two million immigrants, passengers, and crew members came through Ellis Island and the port of New York. Immigrants poured in by steam-powered liners from …

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…in the coal mines to help make money for his family to survive in America. Immigration is ceaseless and therefore continues to play a role in the lives of numerous Americans. The rate of migration has decreased drastically, and in many instances has changed subsequent to the time in which my ancestors arrived. Yet, "America the beautiful" as it is called, is still considered "the land of opportunity" and continues to accept new arrivals everyday.