world hunger
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Pages: 6
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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
World Hunger
Every day an estimated 24,000 people die from hunger or hunger related causes. Three-fourths of these deaths are children under the age of five. One may wonder how this can be living in a country were it seems so much food is wasted everyday. Food restaurants and grocery stores throw away food every night before closing. Many Americans waste food every day within their own homes. With so much "left over" food in American
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it touches our conscious. How can anyone look at a starving child and not think about the food that they waste day in and day out. How can we stand by and watch people that go to work everyday like ourselves and cannot afford to feed their families. It is unfair that we live in a world where food is thrown out in the garbage rather than used to save the life of a child.
it touches our conscious. How can anyone look at a starving child and not think about the food that they waste day in and day out. How can we stand by and watch people that go to work everyday like ourselves and cannot afford to feed their families. It is unfair that we live in a world where food is thrown out in the garbage rather than used to save the life of a child.