"women's suffrage movement in the 1920's"

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Essay Database > History > North American History
History In 1920, after 72 years of struggle, American women received the right to vote. After the 19th Amendment passed, reformers talked about female voters uniting to clean up politics, improve society, and end discrimination. At first, male politicians moved aggressively to court the women's vote, passing legislation guaranteeing women's right to serve on juries and hold public office. Congress also passed legislation to set up a national system of women's and infant's health care clinics as …

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…can't have babies and cant cook or clean well, so we women have to. Those jobs are not degrading and are certainly very important for this life to keep evolving. I do believe that men understand the role of a woman these days and they don't think of her any less then themselves. Acknowledging the problem is what we wanted in the first place. As long as men get the point then we are satisfied.