womens development
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Pages: 8
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Pages: 8
(approximately 235 words/page)
Essay Database > Literature > English
Civic engagement in urban governance requires new forms of urban partnerships between users, designers and decision-makers. To achieve these, it is important to foster horizontal linkages between different organisations and actors involved in human settlements development: politicians, activists, advocacy groups, self-help organisations, professionals, employers, users and beneficiaries. It is also necessary to maintain vertical linkages between the various levels of political power - local, regional, national and federal - and ensure that the interests of
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who, in informal settlements arrange the construction of dwellings on a communal, circular pattern allowing for collective child-minding, greater sociability and security, and reduced isolation. Consultation with women is also important for the design, delivery and maintenance of urban services and communal facilities. Women's responsibility for household and community management gives them a particular vested interest in safe water supply, efficient sanitation, solid waste removal and the provision of affordable and reliable sources of energy.
who, in informal settlements arrange the construction of dwellings on a communal, circular pattern allowing for collective child-minding, greater sociability and security, and reduced isolation. Consultation with women is also important for the design, delivery and maintenance of urban services and communal facilities. Women's responsibility for household and community management gives them a particular vested interest in safe water supply, efficient sanitation, solid waste removal and the provision of affordable and reliable sources of energy.