women in frankenstein
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Pages: 3
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Pages: 3
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Although the female characters in Frankenstein are not given significant importance in a direct role, their influence upon Victor Frankenstein drives the entire plot. Victor's descent into madness begins immediately after his mother's death. Prior to his mother's death he led an ideal life as Victor clearly states, "No human being could have passed a happier childhood than myself".
When Victor turned seventeen he was to attend university but was detained by, "the first misfortune
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leads to a vicious circle of death and more grief, all culminating in the destruction of the creator- it could be looked upon as being an slow form of suicide. Suicide being the only way to completely end the madness. The two major turning points, the creation and intended destruction of the monster, were both brought about by events surrounding the two main female characters, thereby cementing the importance of their influence upon Victor Frankenstein.
leads to a vicious circle of death and more grief, all culminating in the destruction of the creator- it could be looked upon as being an slow form of suicide. Suicide being the only way to completely end the madness. The two major turning points, the creation and intended destruction of the monster, were both brought about by events surrounding the two main female characters, thereby cementing the importance of their influence upon Victor Frankenstein.