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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Wolves were wiped out from at least 95% of their historic range in the United States over a period of more than 100 years. Our European ancestors brought with them an unreasonable fear and paranoia which manifested iteslf in ways that were harmful to the wolf, and indeed, to the very ecosystem of this continent. The need for domestic livestock, the fear of predators, the need to assert our dominance over animals, the word of God, prejudice, …

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…wolves. By the way, more cattle were killed in 1999 by bears and by mountain lions than wolves. Far more cattle, roughly 10 times as many, were killed by dogs, than by all other predators combined. One can only assume that the nature of cattle is the greatest cause for their losses to predators (including dogs). As ranchers do not tend their livestock when they are on range, except to occasionally check on them (usually only weekly)