wives and mistresses Of louis Williams

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it is Mary, weeping quietly at her husband's infidelity in a Hong Kong apartment, a cheap, imitation leather handbag in her lap, who offers the most telling image in Louise Williams's gentle exploration of the lives of Asian women. Here, alongside the likes of Benazir Bhutto and Aung San Suu Kyi, and the young prostitutes and mistresses and maids, all with dramatic and often horrific stories to tell, the sly repression of Mary's life speaks …

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…arby Hong Kong; and Auntie Sel, the Philippino maid, who used the thankless work to see the world. An educated women, she saw no shame in humbling herself for the sake of harmony in her job. Did you feel inferior? asks Williams. "Well, of course not," she says, with a laugh and a glint in her eye. "You just have to know how to play the ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** Kristy, Scott. Full Of Reastern Promise. (September 2000)