"where Have You Been, Where Are You Going" by Oates and "A Small, Good thing" by Raymand Caver.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Comparison & Contrast of Short Fiction Although there are many common grounds by comparing the two typical stories "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Oates and "A Small, Good Thing" by Raymond Carver, but each writer has its own purposes and points through the essences of their story to convey its readers in order to achieve their goal. As a product of middle class American descendants, this made Oates and Carver in …

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…and economical structure of American society. Such as capitalist trays to brainwash their worker's rational thought by increasing the long working hour schedule. In such way to robotized sweat blood laborer. To sum up, both Oates and Caver have many common grounds in their writing as a criticaster of American social and cultural structures, but each has their own purpose and point inculcating through their essence of literature to convey his or her audience readers.