what is going on

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Essay Database > History
From all the way back to 1786 workers have been protesting about their pay, working conditions, and everything else that they do not agree with. American workers had to deal with lots of problems to keep there job. They had to worry about machines taking over or immigrants coming to America and taking there job for less pay. When the potato famine in Ireland happened everyone fled to the United States. Americans were not happy about …

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…smaller banks closing there doors to. Many fortunes were lost and panic began to spread this started a 7 year depression. Within a short time over 4,000,000 men and women were jobless. Many parents and children were left to starve and look for food in garbage. In conclusion the people themselves created the enemy, by not wanting to work as hard, and when they got what they wanted they no longer wanted it any more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**