what is art

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Kouroi are life size or larger, freestanding stone figures of unclothed young man striding forward. They are considered today to be one of the most distinctive products of the Archaic era, the period of ancient Greek history from roughly about 650 to 500 BCE. In ancient Greek the word "kouros" (plural, "kouroi") means male youth, and at least from the fifth century, specifically an unbearded male. Modern art historians have decided to use the term to refer …

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…work has a sense of more permanence witch was alien to the Greeks. The second difference is that the kouros is nude where as an Egyptian work would not have been. The kouros is a very important key piece for the transition from Egyptian art to Greek art. It has many characteristics taken from the Egyptians, yet you can start to see the differences that will later lead to the realistic sculptures of Greek art.