what is an american?

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What is an American? This is a idea that has been pondered by many in the past. Some consider an American to simply be anyone that has U.S. Citizenship, but in truth it is much more than this. A true and idealistic American has many characteristics that distinguish him from other people around the world. He is prideful in everything he possesses or accomplishes. He full-heartedly believes in a free-market system. The true American …

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…them when they are unable to help themselves. Citizens of America have lost much of their pride, not caring for the honor of their country. Theodore Roosevelt said "It is character that counts in a nation, as in a man." (Man of the Century) The "character" of today's American society is much different than it was in Roosevelt's day. Perhaps in the non-so-distant future, the answer to "What is an American?" will be quite different.