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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Werner Heisenberg and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Werner Heisenberg, born in the dawn of the twentieth century became one of its greatest physicists; he is also among its most controversial. While still in his early twenties, he was among the handful of bright, young men who created quantum mechanics, the basic physics of the atom, and he became a leader of nuclear physics and elementary particle research. He is best known for his uncertainty principle, …

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…er, Heisenberg remained controversial on many of his theories because he did not always follow the orthodox laws of physics. This allowed him to be able to develop his uncertainty principle and other models of the atom that he created throughout his life. On the first day of February 1976, Werner Heisenberg the renowned physicist died in Munich Germany. His work is still highly regarded by physicists today and his notoriety will continue years to come.