welfare reform

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Essay Database > Literature > English
When President Bill Clinton reluctantly signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, he had an idea of what the critical responses would be. The hope was to induce a program that would bring significant benefits to the needy and hungery people of our country. However, the response and criticisms are equivalent to what our president expected, very negative. Mary Jo Bane believes the new welfare law poses serious dangers to poor children …

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…there is much work to be done and many changes to be made before we will ever have a "win-win" situation. WORKS CITED Bane, Mary Jo. "Welfare as We Might Know It". Copyright 1997. Political Science Quarterly. 40 par. 11 June, 1999 <http://epn.org/prospect/30/30bane.html>. "The Issues, Welfare Reform" CQ Researcher, December 6, 1996 Edelman, Peter. "The Worst Thing Bill Clinton Has Done" March 1997 The Atlantic Montly. 109 par. June 13, 1999 http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/97mar/edelman/edelman.htm