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Essay Database > History
For many people, such as those in China, Vietnam, and Indonesia, working in sweatshops is a common way of life. A sweatshop is a work place that has been given this slang name because of the work conditions inside the factory itself. Conditions are rumored to be hard, often involving long working hours and barley lit, small workstations. Often, sweatshops will entail utilizing women and young children to accomplish a majority of the work. Working …

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…were to redirect the $181 million in stock options it gave CEO Michael Eisner in 1996 - the largest corporate grant in history - it could double the wages of all 19,000 assembly workers in Haiti for the next fourteen years. "Bottom line is this...the money is there, this is about greed (Kernaghan 3)." It is that greed, then, that will ultimately be the demise of human rights - the degradation of our race's dignity must stop here.