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Essay Database > Literature > English
Political scandal has seemed to be prevalent in our government since the beginning of our country. Many have been just speculation and others have been genuine. The most famous without dispute was the Watergate Scandal. Watergate included numerous illegal activities such as: burglary, sabotage, wire tapping, violations of campaign funding laws, and attempts to use government agencies to hurt political opponents. Along with the other illegal acts there also was a cover up of conduct. …

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…the times, an age of war and deep national division. Watergate was about the constitutional balance of power, the limits of power, and the abuse of power. Watergate was about a dark side of politics that before the scandal most Americans could only fear. Watergate was about ambition overriding good ethics and judgment; but it was also about a political culture and political system that often rewards such behavior. Watergate was controversial and ultimately compelling.