washington and dubois

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Essay Database > Literature > English
1. Three paragraphs on the three major points made my Booker T. Washington. Include the opposing side stated by W.E.B. DuBois. Booker T. Washington wrote his biography called Up From Slavery. He was the successor of Fredrick Douglas. Both of which grew up as slaves. Washington had a conservative view toward how blacks should arise from segregation. He made a speech at the Atlanta Exposition, and this is where he stated his three key …

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…would just anger the whites and in return not obtain what they wanted. People of this time either agreed with the conservative views of Washington or the liberal views of DuBois. It is a matter of personal opinion of which view is better. Both sides delivered a good argument of their reasoning, but in reality it is up to the individual to decide how they want to fight for what they believe in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**