violence in movies

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I go to gross movies and listen to heavy metal and rap music and I haven't killed anybody," a teenager said on a call-in radio show devoted to the tragic murders in Littleton. This young woman completely missed the point. These things provoke anger, temper, and crummy attitudes. Gross visuals and music dull sensitivities. They teach the wrong way to handle problems. Make no mistake about this. No matter what this girl or other defenders …

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…loving God, a father in heaven who loves us all and who gives us rules and laws that will help us be happy and successful. And it's time to teach these kids these time-tested principles--at home and in our places of worship. It's time for moms and dads to spend time at home with their kids. It's time to listen. It's time to talk. It's time to play together. And it's time to pray together.