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Essay Database > Literature > English
Essay Question #2: The Vietnam War The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in which Americans ever fought. And it cost the nation lots of money. The toll in suffering, sorrow, and in national turmoil can never be tabulated. No one wants ever to see America so divided again. And for many of the more than two million American veterans of the war, the wounds of Vietnam will never heal. Fifty-eight thousand Americans …

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…accord that proved to be a preface to further bloodshed (Yahoo). Through troubled years of controversy and violence, US casualties mounted, victory remained elusive, and American opinion moved from general approval to general dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War. South Vietnamese leaders believed that America would never let them go down to defeat - a belief that died as North Vietnamese tanks smashed into Saigon on April 30, 1975, and the long war ended with South Vietnam's surrender.