us vs eu

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
What does a coherent and unified European community (now known as the European Union) mean to the United States? Is it a threat, a competitor, or a partner? Or is it the three combined together? I think it is the three combined together. Depending on the situation, whether economically, politically, or military, the European Union has acted as a threat, competitor or a partner to the United States. This could be demonstrated using different economic, …

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…values and maintain close cultural, economic, social and political ties. Both the US and the European Union understand that the basis for their cooperation is the respect which each partner has for the other's positions and the recognition that, whatever the difficulties, they are stronger acting together than acting separately. Work sited Curtis, Michael. " Introduction to Comparative Government". HarperCollins Collage Publishers, New York, 1993 Bibliography Curtis, Michael. " Introduction to Comparative Government". HarperCollins Collage Publishers, New York, 1993