urban sprawl1

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Urban Sprawl is a problem that will have severe consequences for all life if left unrestricted. The unrestricted development of the United States and the world is rapidly contributing to the degradation of our ecosystem. Moreover, if over development continues there will be massive human suffering. Air and water quality are in jeopardy and topsoil is being lost at an alarming rate. If something isn't done soon to curtail rampant development there may be no …

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…Business News June 5, 2000 v15 i8 p15B 15. Sugrue, Thomas J. The Origins of the Urban Crisis, Race and Inequality in Postwar Detroit. N.J. Princeton University Press. 1996 16. Swerdlow, Joel L.. "Making sense of the millenium: Physical World." National Geographic, Jan 1998 v193 n1 p5 17. Zeadey, Faith. Lecture: Sociology of the Family. Spring, 1999 18. Zukin, Sharon. The Culture of Cities. Cambridge, MA. Blackwell. 1997. 19. http://www.audubon.org/net/ 20. http://www.sierraclub.org/chapters/ny/conservation/esa/esa1.html