unkrainianamerican folklore

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Purposes of Ukrainian-American Folklore The relatively large Ukrainian community in the United States has many traditions and customs, most of which stem from a feeling of Ukrainian nationalism. As Ukraine was being overtaken by Russia, Ukrainians were immigrating by the thousands to the US. Ukrainians moving to the new world were leaving behind a disappearing culture and moving to a completely different land. Immigrants were proud of their heritage, and many of the traditions that …

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…result of the Spanish and French people who lived in Louisiana early on. National pride inspired them to incorporate pieces of their old cultures in the new land, and as a result Cajun culture, or at least a portion of it, can be traced back to Spain and France. Most immigrant groups feel a natural need to preserve various parts of their old traditions in their new world, resulting from a sense of national pride.