to kill a mockingbird

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Essay Database > Literature > English
To Kill a Mockingbird In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the story unfolds through the eyes of a six-year-old girl named Scout. The story takes place in the small southern town of Maycomb, Alabama during the early 1900s where prejudice was at its peak. Miss Harper Lee has chosen Scout as the narrator in this story. This narrative technique has much strength and some weakness. Scout is a bright, sensitive and …

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…a young girl who matures over the course of the story from innocent child to a morally conscience young adult. The cover of the novel displays a knot-holed tree containing a pocket watch and a ball of yarn, accompanied by the silhouette of a mockingbird soaring over the trees through the twilight sky. The portrait on the cover is an emblem that signifies the event that go on within the story and life it self.