to build a fire

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
"To Build A Fire" Imagine walking in the Klondike by yourself, it's snowy and the temperature is seventy-five below zero. In "To Build A Fire", the man was walking by himself in the Klondike when he had an accident that would result in his death. The man died in the Klondike because he fell in the water, his fire was extinguished when he was trying to dry out his footgear, and he was inexperienced in …

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…he was inexperienced in the Klondike. The man should of listened to the old timers warnings, and he should of been better prepared for the daring walk in the Klondike. Also he should of realized the chance of his fire being put out when building his fire under a tree, knowing that the fire was his only chance of survival. The bottom line is that his inexperience was the cause of his death. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**