this essay will talk about the conscription crisis that happened in 1917.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Conscription crisis was a very big problem that happened in 1917. In which, the government was forcing men to go to war. Prime minister Borden asked to conscript soldiers, because of three main reasons. First, the number of casualties, which means the number of dead and missing people, was up. Second, the number of enlistments, which means the men who volunteer to go to war, was down. Third, Britain demanded that Canada send more men. On …

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…to attract liberal support. Therefore, he runs as the leader of the union party, and all people from different parties who support the military service act joined him and his union party. Later than, he won, the election, and gets the conscription after that, all politicians went back to their parties. Finally, this is how Prime Minister Borden won the election of 1917. Moreover, succeeded to force men go to war through the military service act. ___________________________________