this essay is on the times leading to the civil war

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In my eyes the civil war was inevitable. At a time when a nation split into two and each differing so greatly there is no question that all roads lead to war. From slavery to the social, economic, and political points of view, dating from colonial times, everythin gradually drove the two sections farther and farther apart, and closer and closer to war. Before the Civil War, the greatest regional difference in the U.S. …

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…conflict was settled by compromises. These compromises were ultimately based on an understanding of a balance of power and compromise of interest between the North and the South. This balance required a rough equality of resources, population, and wealth between these regions. Disparities in these were viewed with alarm by people in both sections who sought peace and the maintenance of the Union because they disrupted the balance between the North and the South. These