theories of aggression

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Aggression: Theories and Theoretical Solutions I began my research on the topic of violent crime prevention. After reading about different crime programs, it became obvious to me that many of these programs conflicted in their deterrence philosophy. Many of the crime programs were based on a different theory of violence causation. It seemed more important for me to understand why violence exists before learning the methods of preventing crime. I looked up the definition of …

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…thways in isolation-induced aggression in mice. Pharmacol Biochemical Behavior 5:55-61 Montagu, A. (1976). The Nature of Human Aggression. Oxford: Oxford. Moyer, K.E.(1976). the Psychobiology of aggresson. New York: Harper & Row. Tavris, C. (1982). Anger. New York: Simon and Schuster. Watkins, Dr.,(1998)Terror in Chicago.GTE Internet [Online]. Wetzel, R.D., McClure, J.N., Reich, T. (1971). Premenstural symptoms in self-referrals to a suicide prevention service. British Journal of Psychiatry, 119, 525-526.